The A&P Professor: Thinking New Thoughts about the Human Brain | TAPP 139 (2025)

Jun 28, 2023

In Episode 139, we explore a new discovery in nervesignaling in the brain called a dendritic actionpotential (dCaAP), we look at a whacky proposedmodel of brain function, and we share some ideas about howwe can help our students understand the coreconcepts of chemical signaling andsignal transduction in different contexts. Put onyour thinking caps and jump into this fresh episode now.

00:00 | Introduction

00:50 | Dendritic Action Potentials

12:16 | Transducer Model of the Brain

21:43 | Chemical Signals & Signal Transduction

35:09 | Staying Connected

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The adage that fact is stranger than fiction seems to beespecially true for the workings of the brain. (V.S. Ramachandran)

Dendritic Action Potentials

11.5 minutes

In this segment, the focus is on a fascinating discovery aboutnerve signaling related to dendritic action potentials(dCaAPs). These unique potentials occur in layers two andthree of the human cerebral cortex and play a rolein complex brain functions. Unlike typical action potentials,dendritic action potentials are graded andproduced by the influx of calcium ions. Theyenable processing and decision-making at a more complexlevel, expanding our understanding of the human brain'suniqueness.

★Scientists Uncover aNever-Before-Seen Type of Signal Occurring in The Human Brain(plain English summary of the new discovery from ScienceAlert)

★Dendritic action potentialsand computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons (report inScience)

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The A&P Professor: Thinking New Thoughts about the Human Brain | TAPP 139 (1)

Transducer Model of the Brain

9.5 minutes

Join us in this segment as we challenge conventionalmodels of the brain and introduce the transducermodel. Inspired by psychologist RobertEpstein, this thought-provoking model likens thebrain to a two-way transducer, sending and retrievinginformation like a mobile phone accessing external servers. Whileit may sound far-fetched—even quite wacky—thetransducer model encourages us to explore alternativeperspectives and consider the possibility of informationexchange beyond the confines of the brain.

★Your Brain Is Not a Computer.It Is a Transducer. (essay by Robert Epstein about neuraltransduction theory in Discover Magazine)

★Brain as Transducer: What ifthe brain is not a self-contained information processor? What if itis simply a transducer? (another essay by Robert Epstein in thetransducer model)

★Brain Waves Synchronize whenPeople Interact (article from Scientific American)

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Chemical Signals & Signal Transduction

13.5 minutes

Chemical signaling and signaltransduction play a crucial role in various systems of thehuman body. Understanding the connections and similarities betweennervous and endocrine signaling helps studentsgrasp these core concepts more deeply. Byhighlighting structures, functional aspects, and regulatoryeffects, instructors can foster a comprehensive understanding ofchemical signals and the transduction of those signals. Exploringthese core concepts within a broader context enhances students'ability to connect and apply their knowledge across differenttopics. Kevin gives examples of how he approachesthis in his courses.

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Production: Aileen Park (announcer),Andrés Rodriguez (theme composer, recording artist), team(transcription), Karen Turner (Executive Editor), Kevin Patton(writer, editor, producer, host).

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The A&P Professor: Thinking New Thoughts about the Human Brain | TAPP 139 (2025)
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